NOS4A2 Season 3

AMC Channel revealed data about premiere date of NOS4A2 season 3. Next part will return on April 26, 2026. Read below fresh news and rumors about next season.

Supernatural Horror Drama Television Series NOS4A2 premiered on June 2, 2019 at AMC Network from United States. Television Series has 20 episodes in 2 seasons shown every Sunday at 10 pm. It was produced by Kari Skogland (Executive Producer) and Shana Fischer Huber (Producer).

Fresh episodes comes out on Sundays and has length 60 minutes. Audience ranking show with average rating 6.5.


  1. The Plot
  2. Season 3 Release Date
  3. Cast
  4. Schedule
  5. Video Trailers

The Plot

People often lose their belongings. If a small change disappears from them, they will not be upset but they would like to return some significant things. Victoria has such an opportunity, because recently she realized where all the missing things disappear. There are so many of them that they exist in a separate world, and she can walk around it. During such walks, she met other travelers. Someone wandered as she did out of curiosity. And someone decided to use it for selfish purposes. And once Victoria met someone who loves to eat souls. She could not endure such an egregious case, so she decided to get rid of the villain. If he does not stop exploiting children, he will remain immortal. He has a whole country where kidnapped cheated kids await their fate.

NOS4A2 Season 3 Release Date

The AMC Channel is not yet revealed what they will do with television series “NOS4A2". But looking for the last episodes schedule, potential premiere date of NOS4A2 3rd season is Sunday, April 26, 2026.

NOS4A2 Season 3 Cast

The main roles in TV show was played by Zachary Quinto as Charlie Manx and Ólafur Darri Ólafsson as Bing Partridge. As well Ashleigh Cummings (Vic McQueen), Jahkara J. Smith (Maggie Leigh), Virginia Kull (Linda McQueen), Ebon Moss-Bachrach (Chris McQueen), Ashley Romans (Detective Tabitha Hutter), Mattea Conforti (Millie Manx) and Jonathan Langdon as Lou Carmody.

Schedule for NOS4A2 Season 3

Episode number Name Date
3x01 Episode 1 April 26, 2026
3x02 Episode 2 May 3, 2026
3x03 Episode 3 May 10, 2026
3x04 Episode 4 May 17, 2026
3x05 Episode 5 May 24, 2026
3x06 Episode 6 May 31, 2026
3x07 Episode 7 June 7, 2026
3x08 Episode 8 June 14, 2026
3x09 Episode 9 June 21, 2026
3x10 Episode 10 June 28, 2026

Trailers and Video Teasers

NOS4A2 S01E03 Trailer | 'Gas Mask Man' | Rotten Tomatoes TV
Categories: TV Series
Published by
Dexter Morgan