Dear White People Season 5 Release Date, Trailer, Cast, Spoilers and News

April 12, 2022

Netflix Network reported about premiere date of Dear White People season 5. New episodes will return on September 17, 2025. Watch below fresh news and rumors about next season.Dear White People Promotional Poster

Drama Comedy TV Show Dear White People first time shown on April 28th, 2017 at Netflix Network from USA. TV Show has 40 episodes in 4 seasons that aired every Friday at 12 am. It was produced by Jeffrey MacVittie (Associate Producer) and Kent Zbornak (Producer).

New episodes is aired on Fridays and has length minutes. Viewers grading series with average rating 4.5.


  1. The Plot
  2. Season 5 Release Date
  3. Cast
  4. Schedule
  5. Video Trailers

The Plot

Dear White People - PlotFor some reason, many elite universities teach racists. But dark-skinned students will not tolerate this ridicule, even if asked to remain silent about bullying so that the institution's reputation does not suffer. At first, they voice their outrage on university radio but the dean cannot do anything. Black guys find out that a racist group is about to throw a private party for white students. They were shocked when they found out how many people are going to come to this intolerant event. Well, let the police figure out what they did here. It may sound like a dastardly complaint but racism should be punished just as severely as theft. Black students will stand up for themselves if the director and commission do not do anything.

Dear White People Season 5 Release Date

Dear White People 5 Release DateThe Netflix Network is not yet announced their plans with television series “Dear White People“. But looking for the last episodes schedule, potential premiere date of Dear White People 5th season is Wednesday, September 17, 2025.

Dear White People Season 5 Cast

Dear White People  Cast ListThe primary roles in TV series was played by Logan Browning as Samantha White and DeRon Horton as Lionel Higgins. Also Antoinette Robertson (Coco Conners), Brandon Bell (Troy Fairbanks), Ashley Blaine Featherson (Joelle Brooks), John Patrick Amedori (Gabe Mitchell), Marque Richardson, II (Reggie Green) and Giancarlo Esposito as Narrator.

Schedule for Dear White People Season 5

Episode number Name Date
5x01 Episode 1 September 17, 2025
5x02 Episode 2 September 17, 2025
5x03 Episode 3 September 17, 2025
5x04 Episode 4 September 17, 2025
5x05 Episode 5 September 17, 2025
5x06 Episode 6 September 17, 2025
5x07 Episode 7 September 17, 2025
5x08 Episode 8 September 17, 2025
5x09 Episode 9 September 17, 2025
5x10 Episode 10 September 17, 2025

Trailers and Video Teasers

DEAR WHITE PEOPLE Season 5 Not Happening as Netflix Series Ends With 90’s Musical Event
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